HAROLD MARTY, 22, 5'9.5 wt 160. Waist 30. While. photographing a bathing beauty contest at Ocean Park Calif., AMG's photographer discovered Harold Marty on the sidelines rooting for his favorite contestant. Having just recently been discharged from the submarine service and slowly getting "adjusted", he has been living the life of a nomad, and was currently employed as a Carnie among the Amusement Park concessions where we took a number of his photographs. He enjoyed the opportunity this work afforded him of meeting many interesting people, but stressed it was only temporary for him. Eventually he will enter his father's real estate business. AMG's catalog YT13 pages 2 thru 7 60 cents.

TABBY ANDERSON at age 20, 6'1.5", 199, waist 28.5. A quite fabulous cha racter (better spell that Character with a Capitol C). Anyone whose life crossed that of this young man on the flying trapeze" might have some idea of what it is like to pass through the eye of a tornado. Like actor Bill Holden, he has a complete contempt for danger, does an aerial act 149 ft up without a net, manages to get involved in all kind of brawls, and keeps his companions on a constant razor's edge. He's posed for quite a number of photographers throught the country. AMG burned up quite a bit of film on him and have cataloged the pages 12 thru 16 of catalog ZX13 of Tobby Anderson, (50c). We also placed a color shot of him climbing a radio tower in Mixed Color Set 10 ($3). Page 11

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In the Spring 56 edition ARTIST GEORGE QUAINTANCE REVEALS DRIVING FORCE BEHIND HIS PAINTINGS. of the Grecian Guild Pictorial (50c from Grecian Guild box 4277 Tucson Arizona) George Quaintance answers many of the questions which have been put to him about his work, his source of inspiration etc. Whether you like his work or not, you can be certain that you will thoroughly enjoy this highly interesting article. Physique Pictorial regrets that a disagreement in its editorial policy prevented the further display of Quaintance paintings, but sincere admirers of his work will be delighted to learn that he has become a charter member of the Grecian Guild, and henceforth his work will appear in their publication, the Grecian Guild Pictorial (not connected with Physique Pictorial). "STATE-APPROVED" ART--A POSSIBILITY FOR THE U.S.? Last year a member of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation told the editor of Physique Pictorial that it might be wise to submit items which were to appear in PP first to the local Los Angeles FBI office for their "approval." Though this suggestion was no doubt made in the spirit of friendship, if groups like our own were willing to go along with such an idea, it could spell the beginning of the end of freedom of art expression in our great country. One might ask who in the vast FBI organization would be qualified to determine which art was suitable and which was not. Indeed, controversy often rages between long-established artists, but only rarely does one of these ever attempt to lay down standards for the others to follow. In Nazi Germany, under Stalin in Russia and in other totalitarian governments, "big brother" has laid down "proper" aesthetic concepts. The great personal freedom Americans realize today is possible because of guarantees wisely provided in the Bill of Rights of our Constitution. There are many groups, some governmental, some political, even some religious trying to destroy our Bill of Rights because they feel it is expedient in achieving their goals. You PA Blend chanter of the American Civil Liberties Union.